WSB.TXT Release Notes for Eddson Willow Scorebook Version 1.03 Rel 002. Released 26/01/2000 (C) EddSON, 1993-2000. Contact Details --------------- A.N.T.S Pty Ltd PO Box 8, Walkerville. S.A. 5081 Australia. Tel: +61) (08) 8344 7100 Email: Web: This document contains release notes for Eddson Willow Scorebook. This information is more current than the supplied manuals or online help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- README.TXT Change History 1.02/1) Updated 07/06/94 - v1.02 Rel 001 Released a) Updated 07/06/94 - Screen Corruption b) Updated 13/06/94 - Abort Print c) Updated 24/10/94 - Scoring No Balls d) Updated 10/02/95 - Installing THREED.VBX 1.02/2) Updated 02/03/95 - v1.02 Rel 002 Released a) Updated 02/03/95 - Significant Updates inc Export CSF b) Updated 28/05/95 - Tips added to Options Palette + Resizing of ScoreBoard & Match Summary. c) Updated 06/06/95 - Export routine updated to v1.07 d) Updated 09/06/95 - Manual editing included for Batting, Bowling, Over and Fall Of Wicket analysis. e) Updated 11/06/95 - Preferences added including resource saving. 1.02/3) Updated 14/06/95 - v1.02 Rel 003 Released a) Updated 28/07/95 - Printing & Resizing Changes Made - Batting & Bowling Summaries now appear for new matches. b) Updated 12/08/95 - Penalty Points included. c) Updated 24/08/95 - Bowling Styles, Fielder Changes, Bowler Warnings added. d) Updated 02/01/96 - Greater control over match results inc' Australian specific result types. e) Updated 04/01/96 - Bug fixes to match saves, memory allocation for overs and calculation of an innings and 'x' runs wins. 1.02/4) Updated 04/01/96 - v1.02 Rel 004 Released a) Updated 22/02/96 - Date entry on Match Setup now corrected for '/'. b) Updated 19/03/96 - Bowlers Scoring Position View added. Run Rate Graph added. Printing Enhancements made. 1.02/5) Updated 20/01/96 - v1.02 Rel 005 Released a) Updated 24/05/96 - WAV sound effects included b) Updated 01/07/96 - Print routine performance updated and corrected. c) Updated 04/07/96 - Batting Detail player names stay onscreen. d) Updated 04/07/96 - Bowling Detail cursor follows player and over. e) Updated 04/07/96 - Run CSfW option added to File menu. f) Updated 04/07/96 - New Licence procedures implemented. 1.02/6) Updated 04/07/96 - v1.02 Rel 006 Released a) Updated 19/07/96 - Resolve licence and CSfW compatibility issues b) Updated 10/12/96 - Inclusion of parnership times and balls c) Updated 13/12/96 - Resizable Bowling Detail window added d) Updated 20/12/96 - Extended Horizontal Options Palette added e) Updated 20/12/96 - Stumps added to Events menu f) Updated 20/12/96 - Subscript error on Run Rate Graph corrected g) Updated 23/12/96 - Printing Batting Detail batting times fixed h) Updated 23/12/96 - Corrections made to loading matches i) Updated 27/12/96 - Scoresheet options added j) Updated 28/12/96 - New Fifties Print option added 1.02/7) Updated 29/12/96 - v1.02 Rel 007 Released a) Updated 16/01/97 - Subscript error printing Over details corrected b) Updated 16/01/97 - Error printing run rate graph corrected c) Updated 12/02/97 - Batsmans minutes at crease error corrected d) Updated 12/02/97 - Over and Bowling Detail windows reset corrected e) Updated 02/05/97 - Option added to print Scorebook on a single page f) Updated 12/05/97 - Current partnership details appear on FOW summary g) Updated 20/05/97 - The score on each hour is recorded on the Scoresheet h) Updated 20/05/97 - Total minutes per innings is recorded on Scoresheet i) Updated 21/05/97 - Wides & Noballs can be displayed on Bowling Summary j) Updated 23/05/97 - Manhattan Graph included k) Updated 26/05/97 - Option included for Wides to be scored as balls faced l) Updated 26/05/97 - Help file Law 42 updated m) Updated 26/05/97 - Paging for MS Universal print driver corrected n) Updated 27/05/97 - Wickets are now indicated on the Run Rate graph o) Updated 29/05/97 - Print screen corrections made 1.02/8) Updated 01/06/97 - v1.02 Rel 008 Released a) Updated 09/06/97 - Printing zeros in 3rd inning of Match Summary b) Updated 12/06/97 - Canon BJC Print problems resolved c) Updated 01/07/97 - Problem with four innings completed matches d) Updated 03/07/97 - Problem when reloading saved completed matches e) Updated 03/01/98 - Allow switching of Home/Away player names f) Updated 04/01/98 - Correct Evaluation check routines for year 2000 g) Updated 05/03/98 - Batsman name error on Fall of Wickets prints fixed h) Updated 06/03/98 - CSF option added to handle non penalty wides/noballs i) Updated 08/03/98 - Implement partnership bars on Fall of Wickets window j) Updated 09/03/98 - Implement new Auto Save routine 1.02/9) Updated 10/03/98 - v1.02 Rel 009 Released a) Updated 29/06/98 - Electronic Scoreboard output implemented live b) Updated 24/08/98 - Floating Point errors c) Updated 22/09/98 - New no-ball values provided d) Updated 06/11/98 - New options for Electronic Scoreboard added 1.02/10) Updated 21/02/99 - v1.02 Rel 010 Rolled for Beta Testing a) Updated 21/02/99 - Full 32bit version developed b) Updated 22/02/99 - TitleSpy removed to correct FP crash on startup c) Updated 24/02/99 - Double Click implemented d) Updated 05/03/99 - Problem with Over printing corrected e) Updated 16/03/99 - The Match Toss can now be altered at any time f) Updated 17/03/99 - Grey text is now printed black for the Scorebook g) Updated 18/03/99 - Drink intervals no longer stop the clock 1.03/1) Updated 21/03/99 - v1.03 Rel 001 Released a) Updated 30/04/99 - Divide overflow error 1.03/2) Updated 26/01/00 - v1.03 Rel 002 Released a) Updated 17/11/99 - Increased to 15 players per team b) Updated 23/11/99 - Scoring Position full display added with print c) Updated 01/12/99 - Fielding Positions display added to Scoring Positions d) Updated 05/12/99 - Support for TSfW added e) Updated 08/12/99 - Bowling Summary & Detail now support OMRW display f) Updated 15/12/99 - Runs Distribution added to Windows Menu g) Updated 19/12/99 - Runs Distribution print option added h) Updated 03/01/00 - Export CSF and DIF selection improved i) Updated 06/01/00 - Bowler updates bug fixed j) Updated 07/01/00 - MXP export routine added for Cricekt Statz k) Updated 10/01/00 - Match Setup screen updated with additional checks l) Updated 13/01/00 - CODA option added m) Updated 16/01/00 - Abandon Innings added to Event Innings menu n) Updated 20/01/00 - No Ball help updated o) Updated 26/01/00 - Fixed a problem saving 4 inns completed matches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.02/1a) Due to the manner in which Microsoft Windows handles stack data in blocks of only 64K it is possible, with multiple windows visible, for the screen display to become corrupted if available stack memory becomes low. This is particularly prevalent with the Scoreboard Window. To alleviate this problem it is possible to recover the Scoreboard Window by Double Clicking whilst the mouse cursor is over this Window. 1.02/1b) The Cancel Print button on the Print In Progress screen, despite clearing the print queue does not return access to Willow Scorebook for further printing. A 'Print Error' will be experienced on any new attempt to print or at the termination of the Willow Scorebook program. If you are forced to use the Cancel Print option you should not attempt another print until the Scorebook is exited and restarted. 1.02/1c) Care must be taken when scoring No Balls using Willow Scorebook as the same panels are used to score No Balls when the value of a No Ball is 1 or if the value of a No Ball is 2. If both methods are to be used you should have a clear understanding of the differences between the scoring methods for 1 and 2 value No Balls and you are advised to practice scoring No Balls before attempting a live match. 1.02/1d) During installation some PC's generate an error when tring to copy the THREED.VBX file to the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. This is caused when a newer version of the file already exists in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. To overcome the problem, rename the existing file and then run the Willow Scorebook Setup again. To rename the file type :- RENAME C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\THREED.VBX *.OLD 1.02/2a) The following alterations and improvements were made on the 002 release of Willow Scorebook :- All Out is now displayed on the Batting Detail & Summary windows following the dismissal of the last batsman regardless of whether Retired Not Out batsman remain. The Run Out Backing Up event has now been added. This allows for a non striker to be run out without a ball being bowled. An extra field for this entry is now available on the Run Out panel. Both the Run Out Backing Up and the Timed Out dismissals now appear on the Scoresheet surrounded by {} to indicate that the event occurred without a delivery being bowled. The value of No-Ball may now be changed during a match to allow for the forthcoming 2 value no-ball for Bouncers in a Test Match. The Colour of 4's on the Scoring Position View has been altered so that it may be seen on machines configured with 256 colours or more. Penalty Runs have now been added to the Innings Setup panel to allow for changes in the target. The Penalty field may contain negative or positive values and can be used for Penalties or Bonuses. The calculation of the match result now takes into account penalty runs. Penalty Runs are displayed on the Match Summary window if assigned. The Setup program has been altered to discover errors when loading .DLL and .VBX files and to retain Willow Scorebook defaults following a reinstallation. 1.02/2b) The Options Icon Palette now includes floating tips which can be turned on or off from the Options menu. The ScoreBoard and Match Summary Windows can now be resized. 1.02/2c) The CSF Export routine has been updated to conform to the v1.07 standard. 1.02/2d) Manual editing facilities have been added to the Batting Detail, Bowling Detail, Over and Fall Of Wicket windows to allow editing of all match details during or after the end of play. The editing is performed by double clicking cells and amending their contents. The integrity of match information is the responsibility of the user. 1.02/2e) A Preferences option is added to the File menu allowing the CRICKET.INI file to be changed within the program. Start up settings for the Defualt Data Directory, Use Radial Charts, Memory Allocation and Rotating Ball Logo are included. 1.02/3a) The following alterations and improvements were made on the 003 release of Willow Scorebook :- Invalid Property Value when printing has now been eliminated. This occurred when one or more of the standard fonts were missing from WIN.INI. The New Resize control has been added. Selectable Print Fonts have been added to the program. The line PrintFont1=font name can now be added to the CRICKET.INI file. where font name is the name of the installed windows font you wish to use for printing. Five PrintFonts can be defined. CSF Export has been updated to comply with issue 1.13. The Batting and Bowling summary windows now appear following the commencement of a new match. These two windows replace the previous Scoreboard and Scoring Position windows. 1.02/3b) Penalty Points may now be entered for each innings. These can be used to offset matches where rain has reduced the target score. The Penalty Points fields are included on the Innings Setup screen. 1.02/3c) Several options have been added to the Event, Bowling menu to allow the recording within the scoresheet of: The Style of Bowling Change of Fielders Warnings given to Bowlers Bowlers changing over/around the wicket The taking of a new or replacement ball 1.02/3d) The Match Setup screen now includes the ability to select from 14 different match result types at the conclusion of a match. 1.02/3e) Reported problems with corrupted matches, memory problems and the correct calculation of a win by an innings and 'X' runs have been corrected. 1.02/4a) A problem on the Match Setup screen which prevented the '/' character being entered into the date played field has been fixed. 1.02/4b) Several improvements and new features have been included. It is now possible to produce a view of Bowling scoring positions in the same way as Batting scoring positions are produced already. A new window has been added to allow a graphical display of the comparitive run rates for each team/innings. The printing system has been enhanced with a new Page Setup option to allow text to be kept the same size on output. 1.02/5a) The WAVE1 control has been added to support the playback of music at system startup. 1.02/5b) The Print generating routines have been improved to give improved generation times. Corrections have also been made to the Run Rate graph, Bowling Detail and Match Summary print routines. 1.02/5c) The Batting Detail screen now contains a fixed player name column which stays onscreen while scrolling the remainder of the window. 1.02/5d) The Bowling Detail has been improved so that the cursor follows the current bowler and over. 1.02/5e) An option supporting the Cricket Statistics for Windows program has been added to the File menu. 1.02/5f) Willow has been updated to include new Licence procedures allowing an unregistered user four weeks with the full product before reverting to Trial status. 1.02/6a) Some issues with Licence/Serial No details and compatibility with Cricket Statistics for Windows have been resolved. 1.02/6b) The Fall of Wickets window now includes parnership times and balls which are also reflected during prints. 1.02/6c) The Bowling Detail window now includes an Options menu allowing the selection of small or large fonts so that the Window may be resized. 1.02/6d) The Options menu has been restructured to provide sub options for the type of Options Icon Palette. A new option has been added for Extended Horizontal Options Palette which displays the full 36 icons in a 18 column by 2 row format. 1.02/6e) The Events Innings menu now contains a Stumps to enable matches to be suspended at the end of a days play. 1.02/6f) A 'Subscript Out Of Range' error which could occur during the disply of the Run Rate Graph has been corrected. 1.02/6g) A problem when printing the Scorebook or Batting Detail has been corrected so that batting times of greater than 99 minutes are now produced. 1.02/6h) Corrections have been made to the load match routine to ensure windows are correctly initialised. 1.02/6i) Five options have been added to the Scoresheet window to enable detailed examination of the Scoresheet information. These options produce lists of Stoppages, Notes, 50's, Alterations and the taking of New Balls. 1.02/6j) A new Print option has been added to generate a list of fifties achieved. The option produces a list of the dates, times, balls etc for the score, batsmen or partnerships reaching a multiple of 50. 1.02/7a) A Subscript out of range error when printing the Over Details on an unlimited over game has been corrected. 1.02/7b) Errors while printing the run rate graph during unlimited over games has been corrected. 1.02/7c) The Batsmans minutes at crease would only print up to 99. This has been corrected. 1.02/7d) Information from previous games would appear on the Over and Bowling Detail windows. This has been corrected. 1.02/7e) An option has been added to the Print window to allow the scorebook to be printed on a single page if the printer is set for portrait printing. 1.02/7f) The current partnership details now appear on the Fall Of Wicket window. 1.02/7g) The score on each hour ie 60 minutes is now recorded on the Scoresheet using the sequence {InningsTime(time,score)} 1.02/7h) As 7g the total minutes per inning is recorded on the Scoresheet. 1.02/7i) The Bowling Summary window can now be resized horizontally. If the right edge is dragged right, Wides & Noball totals for each bowler are displayed. These can be removed by dragging the right edge left again. 1.02/7j) The Manhattan Graph has been added to the Window options. This displays a graph similar to Run Rate as a bar chart for each inning of the match. Each bar chart shows the runs accrued from each over. A similar option is included on the Print window to allow printing of the Manhattan graphs. 1.02/7k) A new option is included on the Match Setup screen to indicate whether Wides should be scored as balls faced by the batsman. The default value is 'N' No. 1.02/7l) The 1993 amendment to rule 42 has been corrected within th Help file. 1.02/7m) Some printers using the MS Universal print driver would not correctly page. An amendment has been made so that a setting of 6 in the Page Setup Bottom Margin will overcome this problem. This is known to affect Epson LQ and LX ranges but other printers may also require this fix. 1.02/7n) The Run Rate graph now indicate the fall of Wickets. A circle and text indicating the wicket to fall are shown in the colour of the innings. 1.02/7o) An error in the All selection on the Print screen has been corrected. 1.02/8a) When printing the match summmary for a one innings game the third inning would be initialised with 0 values. 1.02/8b) Canon BJC Print problems resolved that caused Subscript out of range errors when printing the scorebook. 1.02/8c) A Problem when viewing the fourth innings of a four innings completed match has been resolved. The scoresheet, batting detail, over and match summary information would be displayed incorrectly. 1.02/8d) When a saved completed match was reloaded the innings and match completion routines would be run again and some details updated incorrectly. This problem has now been resolved so that completed matches are not checked a second time when loading. 1.02/8e) The Player setup panel now contains a new option to allow the names of the home and away players to be swapped. 1.02/8f) The routine which calculates dates for the Trial period has been corrected to handle the Year 2000 and beyond. 1.02/8g) The Batsmen's names were not correctly producted on the Fall of Wickets print outs. This has been resolved. 1.02/8h) Release 1.15 of the CSF is released including a new field to indicate whether Wides and No Balls count as penalties to the Bowlers or not. 1.02/8i) A graphical representation of partnerships has been added to the Fall of Wickets window as a display option. This includes the runs for each batsman and extra within each partnership. 1.02/8j) A new Auto Save routine has been implemented which allows matches to be saved in five formats either every over or every ball. New save routines for HTML (Web publishing) and ESB (Electronic Scoreboards) are added. 1.02/9a) The ESB output feature for Electronic Scoreboards has been implemented for a live environment. ESBType=1. 1.02/9b) Several reports of Floating Point errors and TITLESPY failures when starting Willow following installation have been identified. The problem is overcome by changing the PC Display driver settings. Go into Control Panel and select Display and then Settings. Reduce the number of colours being used. This problem is generated by third party software tools and we are currently investigating a long term resolution for the problem. 1.02/9c) The Match Setup panel now provides additional input in the No-Ball Value field. You may now set -1, -2, +1 or +2 values. These values cater for penalties of either 1 or 2 with the minus values indicating that the penalty should be added in addition to any Byes, Leg Byes 1.02/9d) The Auto Save panel now includes new ESB options for display. The ESB output file can display either overs bowled or overs to be bowled for the last 20 overs of a limited over match. It can also either display the opposition total or the score at the fall of the last wicket. 1.02/10a) Willow is converted to 32 bit development for installation under Windows 95,98 and NT v4.0. Various memory leaks surrounding graphics and the timer function should now have been plugged. 1.02/10b) The TitleSpy 4rd party control has been removed. This was causing floating point exception crashes when used with some graphics cards. 1.02/10c) When selecting Batsman or Bowlers from lists you can now Double Click the required entry rather than selecting and clicking done. 1.02/10d) A problem with Over printing has been corrected which prevented more than 90 overs to be printed correctly. 1.02/10e) On the Match Setup screen the Toss field can now be changed to Home or Away at any time during the match. 1.02/10f) On colour printers the Willow Scorebook prints would show some text in Grey. This has been changed to Black to improve readability. 1.02/10g) When a Drink interval is taken the innings clock is no longer stopped. Batsmens minutes at crease continue to rise whilst drinks are being taken. 1.03/01a) A divide overflow on the Fall of Wicket display when a wicket falls without a run being scored has been fixed. 1.03/02a) The number of players per team has been increased to 15. 1.03/02b) A new diplay has been added as an option under the Scoring Position view to display complete details. 1.03/02c) When using the Scoring Positions display you can now see a description of the fielding positions when moving the mouse. 1.03/02d) Top Score for Windows (TSfW) support has been added. 1.03/02e) Options have been added to the bowling summary and detail windows to allow the Australian analysis display. 1.03/02f) A new window, Runs Distribution, has been added to Windows Menu 1.03/02g) A new Runs Distribution print option has been added. 1.03/02h) Export CSF and DIF selection has been improved. 1.03/02i) Fixes have been implemented to improve Bowler updates. 1.03/02j) A new file export option has been added to support the MXP file format used by Cricekt Statz. 1.03/02k) The Match Setup screen has been updated to check for anomalies between days played and innings selected. 1.03/02l) An option for the CODA module has been added. 1.03/02m) The Abandon Innings event has been added to the Event Innings menu. 1.03/02n) The No Ball help has been improved. 1.03/02o) A problem saving 4 innings matches upon completion has been fixed. ********** END OF README FILE **********